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December 11, 2006

and before i forget...

smockdaddy and i took gabby to see happy feet. it's an animated musical. cute for kids, as long as you leave before the last ten minutes of the show which turn into a pretty disturbing, heavy polemic about environmental shmeck. i just have one question: why can't we eat the penguin's fish, if the penguins can eat the sea lion's fish?

Posted by smockmomma at December 11, 2006 12:00 PM


i just have one question: why can't we eat the penguin's fish, if the penguins can eat the sea lion's fish?

Ah, the million dollar question! Animal Rights? Howzabout Animal Responsibilities?

And what about the fish? Perhaps we should be executing penguins to protect the poor fishies from senseless predation?

I mean, not just indiscriminate slaughter, but we arrest and try each penguin for fishslaughter. A fair trial is a right, after all.

Posted by: Erik Keilholtz at December 11, 2006 1:52 PM

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