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Psalm 100

July 16, 2008

The saddest day

Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for me, my family and my beautiful mother. I know that I have done so well so far only because of the enormous grace I have received from the prayers of my friends.

I know that there are many hard days to come, but I must say that the day that your mom's obituary appears in the paper must be one of the hardest. It certainly is for me.

I will have lots to say about my sweet mom in the days to come. She loved the idea that I had a blog and wrote. And I'd like to share some things about that remarkable woman with you.

But it is too hard right now, and I cannot see to type through my tears.

And I want you all to realize what a precious jewel my Summa compatriot is. Smock came and prayed over my mama when I was too heartbroken to think of anything to say. Ya'll should be so lucky.

And sisterfriendM, if you're reading this, know that without you, it wouldn't be possible.

Back soon.

Love you.

Posted by MamaT at July 16, 2008 6:49 AM


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