non sequitur

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wow! looky what i found at the planned parenthood website, where they point out the little tidbit that "October is Gay and Lesbian History Month. The fight for LGBT rights is one that began long ago, but still continues today — from King Henry VIII's passage of anti-sodomy laws in 1533, to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Lawrence v. Texas last year that invalidated such laws. "

a. henry wasn't the first person to pass anti-sodomy laws in merry ol' england. that would have been God in nasty 'ol sodom.
b. who the devil decided to make october gay and lesbian history month? the fact that they chose RESPECT LIFE month is so overtly obvious and repulsive it makes me want to vomit.
c. there are a lot of lesbians getting abortions, are there?


I did like a through c. I especially liked c!



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This page contains a single entry by smockmomma published on October 5, 2004 10:53 PM.

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