I cannot believe this!

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I am jinxed. I am hexed. Someone is trying to drive me crazy.

Ya'll already know about my plumbing debacle before Christmas.

Last week, I didn't tell you that my 43 year old oven broke, and the repairman who came out to fix it told me, "Lady, it's time to break down and get another oven. We'll have to SEARCH for the parts for this. It'll take forever. It'll cost more than it's worth. Time to call Sears or whoever and buy a new oven."

Well, it's not what we WANTED to do, but CAS and I decided it really WAS the only logical thing to do. So, we ordered a new oven (on sale and with a rebate) from Sears. Bottom of the line gas--$500. PLUS we'll have to have some cabinet work done to accomodate the new oven. Because OF COURSE there is no oven made today that will exactly fit into my 43 year old cabinet opening.

I've made peace with the oven, though we're on the third "expected" delivery date tomorrow.


Doing my housewifely duties and loading the dishwasher and setting it to run after supper, I kissed my husband good bye so he could go to K of C tonight. I returned to the kitchen to a POOL of water--coming from underneath my dishwasher.

So, I call CAS and tell him to ask a plumber friend what to look for when he comes home.

The news? If it is simply that one of the lines has gotten unhooked, or if it has split or broken in some way, THAT is worth fixing.

If it's not the lines? Per our sweet plumber? Dishwashers are cheaper to buy than to repair if its a valve or something like that.

Do you hear that banging sound? It's me hitting my head against the wall.


offer it up! this is prime "get out of purgatory early" material, yes m'am!

sounds like some one thinks you need to remodel your kitchen.
It is at times like this that 'offer it up' seems so hollow and becomes so necessary.



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This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on January 13, 2004 9:54 PM.

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