Nothing like something like this....

| | Comments (7) raise my blood pressure before breakfast! Mike S. Adams: The Underground University

Darn those pesky Christian student groups! They are just gettin' too numerous to "manage." How DARE they!


my letter to the chancellor reads:
Dr. De Paolo:

In light of recent controversies surrounding the Student Organization Committee and the Student Government Association and with all due respect, why doesn't the University of North Carolina at Wilmington just be done with all of this sneaking around and simply advertise "Conservative Christians Need Not Apply" and save those of us who happen to be conservative and religious a lot of money and trouble?


and you can email and voice your concerns to top brass at UNCW here.

I went to UNC Chapel Hill. I loved to go to Mass early on Ash WEdnesday just to see who stopped speaking to me. I got some serious fish-eyes from professors when they realized I was a foot soldier of the dark Side.

Lee Ann! A foot soldier for the dark side! Priceless! That one little sentence MADE MY DAY!

actually, that would be a foot soldier for the bright side. those poor profs are living in the darkness.

You're right, Smock, but not in THEIR eyes!

What, you mean I'm not supposed to be advancing the cause of Papist Hegemony? Drat.

I'll be going to the late Mass on Ash Wednesday for reasons of job security. Ach, poverty doth make cowards of us all.



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This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on February 23, 2004 8:06 AM.

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