dat bwessed awangement

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And what a blessed arrangement it is. It is a fire that purifies. It is a covenant and a font of grace. Not always (often?) easy. "Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church" He gave up his life for the church. In honesty, there have been times where I'd have been slow to give up mine for Alicia. Love in Marriage is a verb. It is an action word. You learn by doing. Married 30yr and still learning.

I recently had a horrifying insight watching "The Princess Bride". (I recognized the source of your blog title.) Prince Humperdink said to Wesley: "You could have had true love. Only one couple in a Hundred years experiences that". CRINGE. How many people hear that and then accept it into their beliefs?

As Catholic Married couples, we are called to give that "true love" in all it's forms to each other. In prayer (for & with), in forgiveness, encouragement, calling to responsibility, tenderness, in parenting, and physical and emotional presence. Just as I am a practicing Catholic, I am a practicing Husband. With God all things are possible.

Amen, Mr. Huntley, amen.

thank you for sharing, mr. huntley!

"Dat dweam wivin a dweam..."

Great reference to The Princess Bride, smockmomma



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