It's time....

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.....for me to take a blog hiatus until Easter Monday. I have many things to do to prepare for the Triduum at our parish. Being Altar Guild Directress takes a lot of time this week.

My heart is broken. I am angry. I am disillusioned. I am sickened. I am tired.

I need some prayer time. Some cry time. And some time to get back to "normal", because both the Smock's oldest daughter and my niece, the beautiful Zoe, will receive First Communion on Easter Sunday. That's two for joy. The lovely Marsha and her husband will be received into the Church Saturday night, and their lovely boy will be baptized. That's three for joy.

Oh, Lord, please help me to also see the joy.

May all of you be blessed during this most Holy of Weeks. Pray for me, as I will be praying for you.


Sweet MamaT. I can't wait to squeeze you.

Have a very peaceful and blessed Easter, Mama T. Jesus will help you- and all of us- get through this. I am convinced of that...

I'm prayin' for you and for everyone MamaT and will be there for Altar Guild on Saturday.

Praying for you....I think you're seeing the joy already (albeit through the tears...)

Hope everything goes well with the details. :)

May these joys of Easter bring you much refreshment and happiness! Enjoy your Holy Week, MamaT! We'll be praying for you, and for all of us.

Embrace all your joy this weekend, MamaT. Prayers coming for a blessed Triduum and Happy Easter. Thank God for our faith.



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on March 24, 2005 3:19 PM.

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