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Take a look at this article about young women wanting to stay home and raise their kiddos.

A little snippet:

Research into the attitudes of 1,500 women with an average age of 29 found that 61 per cent believe "domestic goddess" role models who juggle top jobs with motherhood and jet-set social lives are "unhelpful" and "irritating". More than two-thirds agree that the man should be the main provider in a family, while 70 per cent do not want to work as hard as their mother's generation. On average, the women questioned want to "settle down" with their partner by 30 and have their first child a year later.

Vicki Shotbolt, deputy chief executive of the National Family and Parenting Institute, said: "This is the generation of young women who have seen the 'have it all' ethos up close and personal, and they have realised that it doesn't work.

"Their own mothers may have tried to juggle motherhood and careers, and it may have been the children who feel they lost out ... I think women really are coming of age now, and are accepting that it is virtually impossible to have it all."

As you read on in the story, it's not quite as rosy as it seems. Only 25% of the women intend to completely stay home with their children. The other 75% seem to want a job that is OK but not demanding. No top executive/mommies here.

I've been both a working mom and a stay at home mom. Stay at home mom-hood is not an easy job. But I have had more moments of drop dead JOY as a mommy than I ever did as the controller of a multimillion dollar company.

UPDATE: I think the hyperlink is fixed. Thanks for the heads up, PapaLu! That's what comes of trying to do it quickly while McKid is snoozin' on the couch in the early morning.....


Not surprising to me that most women want to stay at home with their kids. I discovered the day I went back to work that it's a biological, instinctive need to be with your children. It's hard to have to go against that and work, but sometimes you have to. However, I no longer care about top-executiveship in my company. I used to. Now I do my 8-4 and collect my check. Promotion? Who cares. I'm trying to pay the mortgage (and have some semblance of a savings account) is all. Time with my little one is priority, not my career status.

Hey, fix your hyper-link!



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