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Reading my Elisabeth Elliot email for one day this week, I came across this:

Yesterday as I was reading my brother Tom's book, The Achievement of C.S. Lewis, I was admiring again the scope of his knowledge, his ability to comprehend another's genius, and his wonderful command of English. By contrast my own limitations seemed severe indeed. They are of many kinds--analytical, critical, articulatory, not to mention educational. But my limitations, placing me in a different category from Tom Howard's or anyone else's, become, in the sovereignty of God, gifts. For it is with the equipment that I have been given that I am to glorify God. It is this job, not that one, that He gave me.

Now, the words are glorious enough, but she is Thomas Howard's SISTER???????

Two of my very favorite spiritual/inspirational writers are brother and sister?

That is way beyond belief. I never knew.


These kinds of connections are great, aren't they?

Love your blog.

Yup. They have quite a family legacy. Their grandfather wrote a very popular and excellent book on child rearing called Hints on Child Training by H. Clay Trumbell.


I had not heard of either of these fine writers, and I'm glad you mentioned them! There are so many wonderful treasures to uncover within the Catholic community, it's almost overwhelming. Thanks MamaT!

Great writers indeed, Rebecca, but not "within the Catholic community" except Tom, by conversion.

Tom Howard is one of the main reasons I am Catholic today. His Evangelical Is Not Enough and On Catholicism were pivotal in my move to Rome. He is absolutely awesome.

Elisabeth Elliot is not Catholic, but she is still a great writer and a tremendous inspiration to me. She has faced a lot of suffering in her life, and has remained faithful to her God through it all. I admire her immensely. The only way she could be better is if she would follow her brother into the Church!


Good to know! I read a little of Elisabeth's site, and she certainly sounds like a wise, wonderful woman.



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This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on September 18, 2005 10:53 PM.

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