smockmomma's letter to ellen goodman

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Ms. Goodman []:

In your piece, Not Just a March on Washington, you write: "From time to time, we would sigh to each other about how Gen X and Gen Y took [legalized abortion] all for granted. "

As a thirty-three year old survivor of the pro-abortion mentality, I take nothing for granted. Especially my own life and the life of my children. And yes, I will march. I will march for the unborn women you would have murdered in the womb.

You also write: "I've had a fantasy about my generation as the last brigade parading for reproductive rights . "

Believe me, the women of this new generation have the same fantasy. We fantasize that the graying, bitter feminists of yesteryear will indeed be the last brigade parading around for so-called reproductive rights.

The new generation looks forward to the day when ALL women, born and unborn, are safe.

Micki ____

origianl post, jes' killed a nigger, via mr. white at summa minutiae.


Good stuff. Thanks for writing to her.

Yet another example of why I frequent this site! You go girl!

The moral: Don't mess with Smockmomma!

i received a standard email auto-gen reply today. i have been assured that either ms. goodman or her editor will read my comments and that they really appreciate my feedback. uh-huh.



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This page contains a single entry by smockmomma published on May 4, 2004 8:22 PM.

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