what? another shameless plug?

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yes, indeedy!

smockmomma is an official AVON lady. no, really? yes, really. and the best thing is you can order online. oh, yes you can!

and just so y'all know, i do hereby solemnly swear to never smack any of our readers upside the head with a brochure. i'll just ask you to visit my avon site if you're interested in AVON stuff. and to prove my "no pressure" policy, i'm not even posting the web address. iffin you're interested, or your wife or mama or cousin or sister or hubby or whomever is interested, just email the smockmomma and she'll get you there.

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I have had a surge of energy this week, and I'm using it to try to catch up on some of the dozens of unfinished projects around the house. My goal is to complete -- or at least make progress... Read More



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by smockmomma published on May 23, 2004 4:04 PM.

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