Books #34, 35 & 36 of 2004


I have had to reshake my reading list, because PapaC is working out of town for 6 weeks. When he's gone, I don't let myself read anything too depressing, because it's hard for me to pull myself out of the funk without him! I need his even-handed presence to put it in perspective: "Right. Put that down, and let's watch football."

So, I've finished the following:

#34: The Miserable Mill: Book the Fourth by Lemony Snicket. More silliness and laughs in the series of "Unfortunate Events."

#35: Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith. The second book in the #1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series. I love these books. Precious Ramotswe is a lovely addition to the Miss Marple, Mrs. Pollifax genre of books. Less about the "mystery", more about the characters and Africa itself. I just read an interesting article from Christianity Today about the series. I'll find the link and post it later.

#36: The Happy Prince & Other Stories by Oscar Wilde. First, I didn't know he wrote any fairy tales. Second, I didn't know he had sons to write them for. Third, I didn't know how terribly SAD fairy tales could be. Love leads to the ultimate sacrifice--giving up one's life for the beloved. Many are overtly Christian in theme. I was surprised by them.



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This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on October 5, 2004 8:42 AM.

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