Sometimes comments on old posts....

| | Comments (2)

.......kind of fall through the cracks, and do not see the light of day as they should. Last week, in the midst of anxiety over the Pope and the death of Terri Schiavo, a couple of comments were made on the post where I reviewed William Biersach's book The Endless Knot. While I think my review was generally favorable, I was troubled by the underlying theme: the ONLY good Catholics are trad Catholics.

A nice Chris Bates responded to my review with a lengthy comment (and he left his full name and email address, good for him!), saying how much he appreciated Mr. Biersach's book, and highly recommending the second installment. He went on to comment as follows:

To the earlier criticism on this blog, that only Trads are good catholics. Indeed, this is quite true.

I find this absolutely amazing.

But it is certainly true, Chris, that I am not a good Catholic. I am not even a good person. I lack charity, wisdom and insight. And I thank you for the reminder.


Please pardon my ignorance....what are Trads?

"Traditionalists" -- sometimes you'll also run across the phrase RadTrads or "Radical Traditionalists."



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on April 4, 2005 5:54 AM.

One of the things I am most thankful to JPII for: was the previous entry in this blog.

Another comment about The Endless Knot is the next entry in this blog.

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