Pretty Shoe Tuesday

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OK, for the moment (and only for the moment), it is spring in Texas. And spring means GREEN! So let's saunter around and look at green shoes, shall we?

First, since my new running plan is close to my heart, and very much in my sore muscles, today, we'll look at green running shoes by Adidas:


If you don't want to run, perhaps you'll want to hang out with the bad boys in these Van's:


If you don't hang with bad boys but you still like the polka dots, you could go for the slightly more ladylike:


If you want to go all the way to grown up, there is this classic by Anne Klein:


However, since I'm obviously drawn to the sparkly and shiny things of the world (ooooh, lime green metallics!) I would prefer these flats by Michael Kors:


In Texas, don't kid yourself. Everyone wears sandals. It doesn't matter what your feet look like. If you don't, you'll be walking around in pools of sweat by the end of the day. I pick these green ones:


And for the finale, we have to include one pair of the sky highs, even if we can't walk in 'em. Nothing prettier than heels, nothing harder to wear. Oh, well, beauty is suffering. Isn't it? Try these by Naughty Monkey:


Happy Tuesday, ya'll!


I'm happy as a clam now that the weather is warm enough for me to wear sandals outside the house without looking like a crazy lady.

Under the right circumstances I could see myself cutting off a little toe to get into the Michael Kors flats! The metallic green is they come in any other colors?

Hey Ellyn!

They come in plain leather black, brown and "vanilla", which are nice but a little boring.

HOWEVER, they come in the lovely metallic green I showed, PLUS rose gold metallic, silver metallic, and (be still my heart) lilac metallic!

I'm all about those metallics!



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This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on April 22, 2008 7:46 AM.

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