Lacking the Quiet and Headspace to Really Post So Howsabout a Fill-in-the-Blank


I promise all three Summa Mamas are alive and kickin. One of us probably feeling more kicking and aliveness than the others, I would guess. Ha. Anyway:


Outside My Window... it is heavenly!! Breezy and warm without being unbearable. Our house runs cool and it is perfect in here without the AC. Birds are chirping and the laundry is waving on the line. I refuse to accept that it will warm back up even though I know deep down that it will.

I am thankful for... see below.

From the kitchen... The husband is home today and is currently making brownies to be served warm with strawberry ice cream outside where the birds are chirping, etc. This is the most important kitchen production of the day and the only one worth mentioning, really.

I am wearing... dark blue jeans, dark gray wifebeater. A yellow tee was over it earlier when I was out. Greeezy hair braid.

I am creating... my everlasting Noro blanket and Christmas mitts. Recently finished my crochet belt and Camila's hoodie.

I am going... nowhere at all. I was at Target and the bank earlier. Exciting!

I am reading... The Piano Teacher by Julia Cho. Also, Homeschooling; A Family's Journey by Gregory and Martine Millman. Jake and I finished Dahl's Danny the Champion of the World yesterday. I been all over Jeff's notes and book from his government class Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I am hoping... the baby gets a little time of relief. Her molars have popped through and she is sleeping so much better. Canines are on deck.

I am hearing... my boys, who are drawing from this book we got at the library called How to Draw Grotesque Monsters. They are discussing which ones are really real. They do not like hearing that none of them are, I've learned. Truly a heartbreaking world that holds no cyclops to defeat.

Around the house... LAUNDRY, kitchen mop, LAUNDRY, squish innocent little sugar ants that want to live in the bathroom.

One of my favorite things... Kettle Chips' Honey Dijon potato chips. Mmmm!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Childrens' P.E kickoff tomorrow, Rangers vs Toronto Wednesday (Jude cannot WAIT), sprucing and organizing for our school, which starts Monday, date night Friday, Homeschool group picnic Saturday, errands, finish books and knit a bit... it's shaping up to be a good, plump week.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... Agnes! We've had her about a month now and she's all healthy and about nine weeks old.



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This page contains a single entry by LaMamacita published on August 31, 2009 2:07 PM.

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