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Sorry I've been so absent around here! We are getting ready for a 2 week vacation (the first in more than 3 years--we're due!) and vacations only really mean rearranging the work you have to do. I've been killing myself trying to get caught up on my church accounting and altar guilding. I'm washing clothes like a maniac--Zteen brought back a pile of dirty, smelly things. And at the same time I'm juggling a day with BoyC, the McKid, and all my regular stuff.

Maybe it's a good thing that the vacation starts with 2 solid days of driving. I may need the sleep before we start sightseeing!


I"ve missed you!

It looks like you have been reading too :o)

I hope you have a wonderful vacation!



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This page contains a single entry by MamaT published on June 29, 2005 5:45 AM.

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